
Tekst prijave

Hello ,every year since 12years ago we are having buoy on Veštar . This year is the worst year ,4water pipe for cleaning Boat and just one is working ,you can fix other pipe that.people pay big money for buoy and nothing is working . Evey pipe leakage and in katastrofic condition Are .you can fix all pipe , noth just close ,that you dont have to pay someone for fix that . Thats is one star for ,very very bad Marina .


  1. Lučka Uprava Rovinj
    Lučka Uprava Rovinj26. lipnja 2024. 13:40

    Dear user of Veštar anchorage, after checking with the service staff, it is confirmed that your statements are not true. You have 4 (four) fully functional water taps for use. Thank you for using our services and we refer you to the port staff in case of need. Regards