
Tekst prijave

This construction site on ul Kresinskih zrtava has never displayed any information on who is the investor, builder, dates of works, no information on the function and purpose of the building. There is no one working on site most of the time. If anything happens, there is no information whom to contact. Also, there are deep ditches around the construction, rusty sharp iron and other hazards. With the tourist season starting and children going around all the time the site should be inspected for safety and information posted. Please help to resolve this.


  1. Prijavitelj
    Prijavitelj2. srpnja 2024. 10:46

    Please note that there is still no information posted, on 2 July, despite your comment “Riješeno”. Plus the construction site is now mostly not protected by any fence. Can you help to have all the construction information and the building permit posted and to mandate the construction site to be secured? If you cannot help with this, please advise what next steps the citizens in the area can take to change this situation?